



1. Dark septate endophytes 深色有隔真菌

2. Improve growth and nutrition of the host plant 提高宿主植物生长和营养

3. High-throughput sequencing 高通量测序

4. Pinus massoniana artificial forest 马尾松人工林

5. Forest carbon sink 森林碳汇

6. Xylem embolism 木质部栓塞

7. Wood formation 木材形成

8. Secondary growth 次生生长

9. Root exudates 根系分泌物

10. Agroforestry systems 农林复合系统

11. Forestry height 森林高度

11. Ecological restoration 生态修复

12. Protein lysine acetylation (Kac) 蛋白质赖氨酸乙酰化

13. Transcription factorsTFs)转录因子

14. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) 反转录实时荧光定量PCR

15. Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) 蛋白质翻译后修饰

16. Habitat fragmentation 生境破碎化

17. Landscape pattern 景观格局

18. Remote sensing image遥感影像

19. Changing detection 变化监测

20. Wireless sensor network 无线传感网络

21. Convolutional neural network 卷积神经网络

22. Ecosystem multifunctionality 生态系统多功能性

23. Urban heat island effect 城市热岛效应

24. Green Infrastructure 绿色基础设施

25. Biodiversity conservation 生物多样性保护

26. Environmental filtering 环境过滤

27. Interspecific competition 种间竞争

28. Convergent evolution 趋同进化

29. Niche difference 生态位差异

30. Plant community 植物群落



1. In summary, this study aimed to comprehensively investigate the relationship between ... and ... using ..., as well as ...


2. Several studies have shown that..., not only for A but also for B that ..


3. Previous research has found that....


4. This is the first reported quantitative analysis of ...related gene expression during ...development across different ...types and organs.


5. A recent study showed that the overexpression of AaCHI in A. annua provides not only increased levels of flavonoids but also artemisinin.


6. The LST is found to have positive relationship with NHV_Buildings (r = 0.112, P < 0.01) and negative relationships with SVF_Buildings (r = −0.156, P < 0.01).

地表温度与NHV_Buildings呈正相关(r = 0.112, P < 0.01),与SVF_Buildings呈负相关(r = −0.156, P < 0.01)

7. Forest ecosystem is the most important carbon sink on land, far higher than farmland, grassland and other ecosystems.


8. Pinus massoniana plantation is one of the main types of artificial forests in China. However, a single tree species has caused a series of ecological problems such as the reduction of biological diversity, serious decline of soil fertility, and low productivity of the plantation. The characteristics of low quality, low yield, and low efficiency of the forest land are prominent.


9. Despite the significant impacts of trees on global biogeochemical cycles, the series of physio-logical responses to drought before, during and after a mature tree mortality event are incomplete increasing uncertainty in the future of our forests. Thus, understanding, quantifying and detecting the tree mortality sequences, from an ecophysiological perspective, is urgently required.


10. Secondary growth of plant stems is caused by cell division in the vascular cambium, which forms xylem inwards and phloem outwards.


11. The xylem formation includes bundle arrangement of primary vascular tissue, cell proliferation in primary vascular bundle or secondary vascular cambium, initiation of xylem differentiation, regulation of cell expansion, deposition of secondary cell wall, and programmed cell death.


12. Soil erosion is a major global soil degradation threat to land, freshwater, and oceans.


13. Soil erosion, which is the main cause of land degradation, continues to represent the greatest threat to global soil health and ecosystem services and is regarded as the greatest challenge to sustainable soil management.


14. The research results provide theoretical guidance for predicting the soil erosion of karst hillslopes and provide decision-making basis for soil erosion control in karst area.


15. Soil erosion leads to aloss of soil nutrients, and land degradation caused by soil erosion is one of the main threats to environment and human security in the 21st.


16. China is susceptible to land degradation on account of its climate, its geography and the considerable population pressure on the land.


17. Plant roots are abundantly colonized by dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi in virtually all ecosystems. DSE fungi are functionally heterogeneous and their relationships with plants range from antagonistic to mutualistic.



