




compared to the healthy control, as compared to the diseased control.


These also explain the application of glycerol to increase chlorophyll content in this work.


Several reports described effects of high concentration exposure on seed

germination and seedling growth.


Soil fertility has been a research area of great interest for researchers and industries who are making efforts to find new routes to improve crop yield and plant nutrition.

5.   而然,关于__方面的.....

However, there is limited information about the effects of.....


The aim of present study was to investigate/Toward this aim, we have examined the role of__.


This research constitutes a relatively new area which has emerged from __.


In the past several decades, __ have played an important role in __.


This is the field of study that deals with __.


This thesis considers the field of __ as the main subject of its study.


Most of the research in this field is aimed at solving this problem.


Generally, Sb and As exist primarily in the pentavalent form in aerobic water, and the trivalence form in the anaerobic water.

13.碳酸盐岩中和酸性矿山废水(Acid mine drainageAMD)会产生含有大量铁(氢)氧化物的AMD次生铁泥沉淀,该中和产物可有效去除锑、砷等金属离子。

The ecological environment can be severely polluted and destroyed by the acid mine drainage (AMD) generated during the exploration and utilization of minerals.


The Fe phase also varies with different components, contents, and pH values of heavy metals.


For example, ferrihydrite, an amorphous mineral, will transform into goethite and magnetite under the condition without Pb, but the final product will be lepidocrocite due to the existence of Pb.


In karst regions, the AMD can react with exposed carbonate rocks during the earth’s surface flow, which increases its pH level and affects the migration and transformation of As and Sb.


In this study, the acid solutions with different concentrations of Fe, Sb and As were neutralized by carbonate rocks to investigate the removal effects of these elements during this neutralization process.


Arsenic as an important hazardous pollutant has attracted global attention increasingly due to its high toxicity and carcinogenicity, that poses a severe threat to the ecological system, human health and social sustainability.


The technologies are mainly classified into two categories: hydrometallurgy based on the solubility of  arsenic oxides in solution and pyrometallurgy based on the volatility of arsenic oxides at high temperatures.


The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was first discovered in December 2019, is a virus which has had a global impact.


Photocatalysis technology is an environmentally friendly process that constructs highly active photocatalysts (semiconductors) for remediating environmental pollution.


Many researchs activity have been focused on lucubrating highly active semiconductor photocatalysts, which is due to advantageous performance about energy conversion and environmental pollution remediation.


The ecosystem could then begin to recover.                                          


Corral ecosystem has been damaged beyond repair, thus risking the loss of fish and Marine resources for good.         



1.土壤重金属污染  soil heavy metal pollution

2.水环境质量  water environment quality

3.挥发性有机物污染  Volatile organic pollution

4.浸出毒性  leaching toxicity

5.活性污泥  activated sludge

6.环境污染防治措施environmental pollution control measure

7.环境调查  environmental survey

8.满足污染物排放标准  Meet the pollutant emission standards

9.碳达峰  carbon peak

10.土壤样品采集  soil sample collection

11.农村生活污水 rural domestic sewage

12.农村生活污水处理设施 rural domestic sewage treatment facility

13. 现有农村生活污水处理设施 existing rural sewage treatment facility

14. 新(改、扩)建农村生活污水处理设施  new rural sewage treatment facility

15. 再生水 reclaimed water

16. 城市杂用水 urban miscellaneous use

17. 冲厕用水 toilet flushing use

18. 城市绿化用水 urban landscaping use

19. 道路清扫用水 street sweeping use

20. 消防用水fire protection use

21. 建筑施工用水construction site and concrete production use

22.土壤修复soil remediation

23. 氧化还原电位xidation-reduction potential

24.溶解氧dissolved oxygen

25. 大气颗粒态汞particulate bound mercury

26. 气态单质汞gaseous elemental mercury

27. 溶解有机物dissolved organic matter

28. 甲基汞methyl mercury

30. 微生物sulfate reducing bacterium

31. 钝化修复passivation restoration

32. 生态修复ecological remediation

33.酸性矿山排水Acid mine drainage

34.被动处理Passive processing

35. 主动处理Active processing

36. 煤矸石coal gangue

37. 水文地球化学hydrogeochemistry

38. 帷幕灌浆技术curtain grouting technology

39. 可渗透反应屏障permeable reactive barrier

40. 尾矿mine trailing

41. 二氧化碳捕集、利用和封存Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

42. 充填体paste backfill

43. 环保工程学Environmental Engineering

44. 工程环境保护Engineering Environment Protection

45. 环境保护工程Environmental Protection Engineering

46. 环境保护工程Environmental Engineering

47. 环保住宅工程EP Housing Engineering




可靠的信息源 A reliable source of information

宝贵的自然资源 Valuable natural resources

在人类生活的方方面面 In all aspects of human life

环保的材料 Environmentally friendly materials

社会进步的体现 A symbol of society progress

理论和实践相结合 Integrate theory with practice

眼前利益 Immediate interest/ short-term interest

长远利益 Long-tem interest

有其自身的优缺点 Has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

有害 Do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

跟上…的最新发展 Keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of 

…的健康发展 The healthy development of 

有直接/间接关系 Be directly / indirectly related to

导致很多问题 Give rise to / lead to / spell various problems

可降解的/可分解的材料 Degradable/decomposable material

充分利用 Make full use of / take advantage of

主要理由列举如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows

我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go

随着科技的进步 With the advanee of scienee and technology

 是紧急的 It is urgent that

外因火灾 exogenous fire

吸附等温线 adsorption isothermal

游离二氧化硅 free silica

注浆堵水 grouting for water-blocking

自然发火煤层 coal seam prone to spontaneous combustion

大气颗粒物/降水 Atmospheric particulates/precipitation

沉降的颗粒物 Deposited particulate matter

海平面上升 Sea level rise

农用土地 Agricultural lan

污染的土壤 Contaminated soil

土壤盐碱化 Soil salination

生物多样性和保护区 Biological diversity and protected areas

农业生物技术 Agricultural biotechnologies

淡水保护 Conservation of freshwater

污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plants

需氧/厌氧过程 Aerobic/Anaerobic processes

生物降解/脱氮作用/富营氧化 Biodegradation/Denitrification/Eutrophication

污染治理设备 Pollution abatement equipment

污染控制技术 Pollution control technology

矿山回填 Mine filling

污水处理系统 Sewage treatment systems

固体废物处置 Solid waste disposal

污染物的危害 Hazards of pollutants

在人体组织中的积累 Accumulation in body tissues

环境监测 Environmental monitoring

工业废水/排放物/烟尘/噪声 Industrial effluents/emissions/fumes/noise



1.The forms in which metals are found in thhe crust of he earth and as seabed deposits depend on their reactivity with their environment, particularly with oxygen, sulfur, and earbon dioxide.



2.Many minerals exhibit isomorphism, where substitution of atoms within the crystal structure by similar atoms take palce without affecting the atomic structure.



3.For both cases, it would be interesting to consider how the varying environmental parameters in shallow-sea vent micro-environments might affect otherwise well-understood reactions-and, in particular, to understand if or how different prebiotic reactions might be able to co-exist in this geochemical parameter space. The modern alkaline shallow vent analogue sites described here demonstrate some of the variety of origin-of-life reaction conditions that might exist in shallow alkaline hydrothermal environments; this may also be relevant for predicting what kinds of environments should be investigated on other planets for signs of prebiotic chemistry or life. On Mars, for example, there are various lines of evidence of ancient hydrothermal activity; relevant examples include the Eridiania basin, which hosts massive saponite-containing seafloor hydrothermal deposits, and it is possible that hydrothermal alteration could have taken place in Jezero crater (the Perseverance landing site). Current and future missions can shed light on hydrothermal mineral formation processes on Mars and relevant prebiotic conditions that could have existed.



4.As a key stage of the Earth's history, the Cambrian witnessed the appearance of small shelly animals and the origination and radiation of trilobites, known as the Cambrian explosion. As a result of the biological innovation and mass extinction, profound changes in the carbon isotopes of marine carbonate have been observed for multiple times in the Cambrian period.寒武纪是地球历史的一个关键阶段,见证了小壳动物的出现和三叶虫的起源和辐射,以寒武纪大爆发而著称。由于生物出现和物种大灭绝,寒武纪多次观测到海相碳酸盐碳同位素的深刻变化。


5.Heavy metals are necessary for various biological processes, but they become harmful in excess. Specifically, they induce oxidative stress by generating free radicals and reducing antioxidant levels. Heavy metal salsoalter the confirmation of protein and DNA and inhibit their function. Chelation therapy is commonly used to treat metals toxicity. Chelation is a chemical process that occurs when interaction between a central metal atom/ion and ligand leads to formation of a complex ring-like structure. The ligand has a donor ion/molecule, which has alone pair of electrons and may be monodentate to polydentate. Each metal has a different reactivity with a ligand, so a specific chelation agent is required for each metal. Combination therapy with a chelating agent and an antioxidant led to improved outcome.



6. 硫化物的氧化风化作用在岩浆中产生硫酸,它可以与碳酸盐矿物发生反应,并将沉积碳以二氧化碳的形式释放到大气中。

The oxidative weathering of sulfides produces sulfuric acid in the regolith, which can react with carbonate minerals and release sedimentary carbon as CO2 into the atmosphere .


7. 化学风化作用通过消耗地球固体脱气释放的CO2产生碱度,从而驱动海洋中的碳酸盐沉淀来调节地球碳循环。

Chemical weathering modulates Earth's carbon cycle by consuming the CO2 emitted from solid Earth degassing, producing alkalinity and driving carbonate precipitation in the ocean.


8. Complex sulfide ores such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite, produced during mining activities, are considered sources for AMD formation. AMD is formed by the combination of water in the form of precipitation, oxygen, and sulfate-reducing microbes. The characteristics of AMD wastewater depend on various environmental factors such as the nature of the climate, soil structure, and the volume of waste materials. The sulfide minerals cause elevated levels of heavy metals, sulfate, and H+ ions in AMD and increase the bioaccumulation of metallic species in the environment. AMD wastewater contains sulfates with a high concentration of sulfuric acid and a solution of ferrous metals. Hence, the higher levels of acidity increase the solubilization process of metals such as Zn and Al and also other metals namely Cu, Mn, and Ni . On the other hand, sulfur compounds and other metals solubilize easily, persist in the water, and ultimately contaminate the ecosystem.

在采矿活动中产生的复杂硫化矿物,如黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿,被认为是 AMD 形成的主要来源。AMD 是由硫化矿物与水、氧气和硫酸盐还原微生物结合形成的。AMD 废水的特性取决于各种环境因素,例如气候性质、土壤结构和废物量。硫化矿物会导致 AMD 中的重金属、硫酸盐和 H+ 离子水平升高,并增加金属在环境中的生物积累。 AMD 废水含有硫酸盐以及高浓度硫酸和黑色金属溶液。因此,较高水平的酸度会增加 Zn  Al 等金属以及其他金属即 CuMn  Ni的溶解。另一方面,硫化物和其他金属很容易溶解,持久存在于水中,并最终污染生态系统。


9. The sedimentary features and paleogeographic evolution of the Maokou Formation in Zunyi show that the platform, slope, and deep-water basin sedimentary features coexisted during the Permian Maokou Period. In addition, the extensional setting and extinguishing of carbonate production factories were important preconditions for the evolution of the platform region in the study area, and the activity of syndepositional faults also played an important role in the paleogeographic evolution of this area.



10.Heavy metal enrichment in soils has been linked to the weathering of lithologies with high geochemical backgrounds, such as black shale. 土壤中重金属的富集与具有高地球化学背景的岩性风化有关,如黑色页岩。


11.Heavy metals in the environment are derived from natural processes (e.g., geological weathering) and anthropogenic sources such as vehicle exhaust, fertilizer application, coal combustion and ore mining and smelting 环境中的重金属来源于自然过程(如地质风化)和人为来源,如车辆尾气、化肥施用、煤炭燃烧以及矿石开采和冶炼


12. It is unlikely that data on how life originated will be provided by the palaeontological record. There is no geological evidence of the environmental conditions on Earth at the time of the origin of life, nor any fossil register of the evolutionary processes that preceded the appearance of the first cells. Direct information is lacking not only on the composition of the terrestrial atmosphere during the period of the origin of life, but also on the temperature, ocean pH values, and other general and local environmental conditions which may or may not have been important for the emergence of living systems.

古生物学记录不太可能提供关于生命起源的数据。没有地质学证据表明生命起源时地球上的环境条件,也没有任何化石记录表明第一个细胞出现之前的进化过程。不仅缺乏关于生命起源期间陆地大气组成的直接信息,而且缺乏关于温度、海洋 pH 值以及其他一般和当地环境条件的直接信息,这些条件可能对生命系统的出现至关重要,也可能不重要。


13. The oldest known rocks that could possibly contain relics of life are>3.7Ga metasediments (upper amphi- bolite facies:>650°C with multiple deformations) in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex of Greenland. From these, many microfossils and biomarkers have been reported but all have been subsequently discounted. Evidently, at such high metamorphic grades, only isotopic geochemistry can provide satisfactory evidence of life, but even then its interpretation is not straightforward. Carbon isotope values are reset by metamorphism above greenschist facies, either by isotopic equilibration between kerogen and carbonates, or by expulsion of light hydrocarbons from kerogen.

已知最古老的可能含有生命遗迹的岩石是格陵兰岛伊萨克片麻岩杂岩中 > 3.7 Ga 变质沉积物(上角闪岩相: > 650 °C,具有多重变形)。许多微化石和生物标志物已经被报道,但其研究价值随后都被打了折扣。显然,在如此高的变质等级下,只有同位素地球化学能够提供令人满意的生命证据,但即便如此,它的解释也不是直截了当的。碳同位素值通过绿片岩相上的变质作用,或者通过干酪根和碳酸盐之间的同位素平衡,或者通过从干酪根中排出轻烃而重置。


14. Archaean organisms were morphologically simple. Microfossils are spheroidal or ellipsoidal unicells that reproduced by binary fission, or filamentous chains of discoidal cells with or without cylindrical extracellular mucilaginous sheaths. As microbes are architecturally conservative, this does not necessarily imply minimal taxonomic diversity. In the modern world, a huge range of metabolic styles can lurk under the guise of a simple sphere or cylinder. So, taxonomic diversity may well have rivalled that of many modern microbial ecosystems.



15. Marine plankton was presumably also common, because basinal kerogenous shales are widespread and abundant. These have such high organic carbon contents (up to 165mg/g), even after diagenetic and metamor- phic decarbonation, that it is extremely unlikely that benthic production alone could have fixed so much carbon at such depths.



16. Shemesh found that the conditions for phosphate ovulite formation are similar to those of fish bones and the whole-rock phosphorites are as good as fish remains for palaeothermometry. Therefore, sedimentary apatite may preserve a record of the environmental temperature and isotope composition of seawater from the early Proterozoic to present.



17.In addition to water redox conditions, sedimentary Mo enrichments are also controlled by seawater Mo availability, which is related to basinal hydrology and the size of the oceanic Mo reservoir. Seawater Mo availability can be derived from Mo/TOC because Mo-enrichment effects can be evaluated based on TOC.

沉积钼的富集除了受水氧化还原条件的控制外,还受海水钼有效性的控制,这与盆地水文和大洋钼储层的大小有关。海水中钼的有效性可以从 Mo/TOC 中获得,因为可以基于 TOC 评估钼的富集效应。



The purpose/goal/intention/objective/object/emphasis/aim of this paper is …

The primary/chief/overall/main object of this study is to survey …本研究的首要目标是考察

The chief aim of this paper/research/study/experiment/the present work is …本文的主要目标是


This is a working theory which is based on …这是一项基于的实用理论。

The method used in our study is known as …我们在研究中采用的方法被称为

The technique we applied is referred to as …我们采用的技术被称为

The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of …我们所述问题很大程度上涉及对的研究。


Detailed information has been acquired by the author about …作者得到了有关的详细信息。

The research has recorded valuable data about …本研究记录到了关于的有价值数据。

The results of the experiment indicate that …实验结果表明

The studies we have performed showed that …我们所做研究表明


All our preliminary results throw light on the nature of …我们的初步研究结果有助于揭示的本质。

This fruitful work gives explanation of …我们富有成果的研究工作解释了

The author's pioneer work has contributed to our present understanding of …作者的开创性工作有助于理解

The research work has brought about a discovery of …研究工作带来一个发现


